Some milestones people look forward to, like birthdays, start to lose meaning when one is in prison.
Bode turned 30 years old on Fire Country Season 1 Episode 13 , and it reminded him of what he was missing in his life: freedom.
Sharon noticed Eve's leadership talent, prompting an invitation for Eve to be the chief for a day and see how she likes it.
A series of fires overshadowed a building developer's big day, and later he learned a lesson from protestors who were against his building development.
Eve experienced firsthand what being a fire chief entails, which cleared up something for her.
It was very clear Bode didn't want anyone to know it was his birthday. Being incarcerated, some simple joys of life are stolen from you, and it is possible to start looking at things through a dark lens. In some extreme cases, some inmates attempt to take their lives.
Living every day the same as the last starts to get old quickly.
This birthday was a crude reminder to him about where he was in life. It felt like he had wasted some of his best years in prison. Having his fellow inmates cheer him on during his birthday reminded him of what he wanted to forget so much: that he was incarcerated.
While many people have an absolutely wild time during their birthdays, the best he could hope for was putting out another fire.
This was one of the reasons he clung so hard to wanting to be a donor.
In his mind, he would gain some importance in the eyes of his parents, and they won't see him as the loser or mistake he thinks he is. It would make him feel like his parents -- his father especially -- would like him better.
Apart from it being a risky procedure, he was in a tougher situation than most donors. Most donors don't have to think about the possibility of losing a chance at their freedom because they helped someone.
If he underwent surgery, it would put him out of commission for a while, and if one thing is clear, this program offers no second chances, and someone else would take his spot.
Looking in from the outside, this was a fact Jake saw clearly.
Bode could go back to prison for the rest of his sentence.
- Permalink: Bode could go back to prison for the rest of his sentence.
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Jake cares about Bode, like everyone else. Even when Bode makes it very hard, Jake still cares. He could have easily gone on with his life without a care, but the moment he learned what might happen to Bode, he overcame his fear.
In my opinion, the show would be much more interesting if Jake and Bode were friends. On Fire Country Season 1 Episode 6, they put aside their differences for a while and did an exemplary job.
There is nothing more for them to be arguing about.
Bode is talking with Jake's ex-girlfriend, and Jake is talking with Bode's ex-girlfriend. That evens some things out. The Riley thing was a freak accident with many people to blame, so that should not be overblown.
I made this about me. You know, in thinking I needed to do this to make up for my past mistakes. My mom's who I care about. I just want her to live.
They could be a great duo if given a chance. Their making up after Bode realized he had been behaving selfishly was easily one of the best moments in "You Know Your Dragon Best."
It also appeared that Bode was growing. He did the right thing in getting out of the way and allowing Jake to donate his kidney to Sharon.
Being a fire chief comes with challenges; some people are better suited for it than others.
Sharon does it very well without appearing like she is trying at all.
With her medical condition and all, she subconsciously knows it could go either way, so she starts looking for a successor. And rightfully, she landed on Eve, who is a force despite being underutilized in the show.
Eve shadowed her and experienced firsthand what it is like to be a chief. It involved a lot of delegation and some diplomacy, all of which Sharon does well and Eve is somehow decent at, but it made her realize this wasn't her calling.
Sharon: Looks like you've got this handled.
Eve: They're good probies.
Sharon: They were trained by the best.
- Permalink: They were trained by the best.
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Like many firefighters, she loves the thrill of action. Running with a hose, putting out a fire, and finding solutions to problems as soon as they present themselves.
Standing around, telling people what to do when she could do it? Massaging egos of wealthy narcissists? That wasn't ideal for her.
It was understandable when she couldn't take it anymore and left.
Tatum's dedication to saving the forest was admirable. It might seem like she was extreme in her methods, but considering the state of the environment right now, such passion is needed.
It is, however, important to know when to call it quits, and a huge fire ought to do.
I enjoyed hearing her justification for doing this, but it irked me when she started demanding firefighters put their lives at risk to save trees from a fire.
Tatum: Here I am, trying to save what they couldn't.
Jake: Isn't saving trees antithetical to construction?
Tatum: My parents practiced sustainable forestry. They balanced what's good for the trees, the people, and the wildlife. People need houses, I'm not denying that.
Jake: There's just a better way.
Tatum: A less destructive way.
- Permalink: A less destructive way.
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On Fire Country Season 1 Episode 12, Colin joined the house as a probie.
He was off to a rough start, but he seemed to improve in "You Know Your Dragon Best." He showed the enthusiasm one would expect from a firefighter.
An arsonist was teased in the same episode, but it wasn't revisited in this episode. I learned of a theory that he might be the arsonist, and I haven't gotten over it yet. Everything he does or says, I construe to be a clue.
He seems overly enthusiastic about responding to fire emergencies. When the molotov cocktail bomb was thrown, I could have sworn he did it.
He seems to try to find a way into Gabriela's life by talking about personal stuff. He might be trying to be a regular human being and make friends, or he might be trying to find some dirt.
"You Know Your Dragon Best" was a typical Fire Country episode that didn't impress or disappoint, which might be disappointing itself.
Over to you, Fire Country Fanatics. Do you think Colin might be hiding something?
Do you want Jake and Bode to mend their friendship?
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