It was one wild ride on Shadowhunters Season 3 Episode 21 and Shadowhunters Season 3 Episode 22.
There were happy tears, sad tears, and even tears created out of confusion. Yes, apparently that's possible.
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This may be the end of Shadowhunters on our television screens, but these characters will forever live on in our hearts.
For the very last time, let's dive in!
The Shadowhunters writers weren't given a lot to work with, so it's a true commencement to their abilities that they were able to both dive into and wrap up so many storylines within a two and a half hour period.
Magnus' time in Edom is a great example.
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This was originally supposed to be a storyline that would be carried out over several episodes throughout the fourth season, but Shadowhunters was able to tell it in just one.
I'm never leaving you again.
- Permalink: I'm never leaving you again.
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It should have felt rushed, but it really didn't feel that way at all.
The only thing that felt rushed was the relationship between Simon and Isabelle, but that's the fault of the cancellation rather than the show itself.
After years of hoping, Simon and Isabelle finally kissed and it was everything that fans have been patiently waiting for.
I was is too precious to waste any time on stupid things like pinky swears.
- Permalink: Like pinky swears.
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But the twist that Isabelle has Heavenly Fire in her blood and can't touch Simon was something that would have been a brilliant way to build up the relationship for yet another season if the show had been renewed.
The amount of lost potential is disheartening, to say the least.
Simon and Isabelle were still everything we ever hoped they would be, and remain the purest couple on Shadowhunters.
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They are still just as adorable and in love after the one-year time jump, and it's safe to say that they're in it for the long haul.
Isabelle: I've never seen my brother as happy as he is when he's with Magnus.
Simon: I know the feeling.
- Permalink: I've never seen my brother as happy as he is when he's with Magnus.
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The one-year time jump served as an epilogue for the series as it shows viewers what all the characters are doing with their lives.
Magnus and Alec are happily married and Alec is the Inquisitor, which is the very position that he deserves.
The wedding between them is hands down the most beautiful moment to ever exist in Shadowhunters history.
Alec: The love I have for you...
Magnus: Is a love that knows no bounds.
- Permalink: Is a love that knows no bounds.
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Magnus and Alec represent so much. They overcame all kinds of discrimination, but still came out on top and proved that love always wins.
This speaks not only to those in the Shadow World, but to viewers all across the world who were touched, moved, and saved by such an amazing love story.
Magnus and Alec were a beacon of hope and light to everyone, and there's not a day that goes by that we won't be thankful for the message they were able to deliver.
Clary's arc was the most heartbreaking part of Shadowhunters Season 3 Episode 21 and Shadowhunters Season 3 Episode 22.
Earlier on, she admitted to Simon that she wouldn't trade the Shadow World for anything. The day she met Jace she felt as if she finally found her place.
It's just like Clary to sacrifice her life as a Shadowhunter in order to save her friends and Shadowhunters all across the world.
But couldn't Raziel cut her just a little slack and let her use one last rune? Just as Jocelyn said, Clary uses the runes to help people. It's her compassion that defines her, and it's because of that compassion that the Shadow World is safe.
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Jace and Simon's strong friendship was one of the many beautiful things that came out of Clary's sacrifice.
While what pushed them together wasn't directly addressed, there's no doubt that their mutual love for Clary helped them get over their differences and become friends for real.
It was impossible not to be bawling your eyes out when Jace goes to Clary's art show expecting her not to recognize him.
But, of course, love always win.
Just as they've proved countless times before, Jace and Clary's love can overcome anything.
What are these tattoos on your neck?
- Permalink: What are these tattoos on your neck?
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The final shot where she touches his runes before the camera pans out over the New York sky is a moment that hit something deep in our hearts.
It was very reminiscent of the very first time Clary and Jace met, and it was a moment that told the audience their story is nowhere near over.
Being a Shadowhunter is in Clary's blood, and it's something that she'll never be able to lose as long as she lives.
Shadowhunters has meant a lot of things to a lot of people and has singlehandedly been able to offer some of the greatest representation on television.
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The epic conclusion left us feeling devastated over the loss, yet completely fulfilled with the show's beauty. In other words, Shadowhunters did their finale the right way.
Goodbyes are never easy, but we're grateful that we had these three amazing years with Shadowhunters in the first place. The series might be over, but we'll carry the show's overarching message with us forever: Love always wins.
Stray thoughts:
- Shadowhunters may have had a drastically different ending than The Mortal Instruements, but we loved it just the same.
- Isabelle and Clary as parabatai? Someone get Clary back to the Institute ASAP so we can make it happen.
- Maia getting her happy ending was one of the best parts of the finale. And were those some sparks flying between her and Bat?
- Thank you Shadowhunters writers for giving us the Helen and Aline kiss we needed.
- Lorenzo and Underhill, who would have thought? But we're completly onboard with it.
- Raphael living the life that he wants and repenting for his sins is the life that he deserves. Plus, it was nice that he gave Simon and Isabelle his blessing. It wasn't necessary, but it was appreciated nonetheless.
- Let's through in another #SaveShadowhunters for good measure. There's so many places this series can still go, and we'll never give up hope that someday these characters will be brought back together again.
Alright, Shadowhunters fans, it's been one wild ride and we've loved every second of it! What are your thoughts on the series finale of the show? Let us know in the comments section down below!
And don't forget if you missed the two-part series finale you can watch Shadowhunters online right here at TV Fanatic!
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