There was little light shed as to the fates of both Dom and Dembe on The Blacklist Season 6 Episode 20, but we learned a whole heck of a lot about Anna McMahon's big American conspiracy.
Red was still conflicted about Liz's betrayal and her learning the truth about his identity.
Liz wanted to talk about it, but Red had no desire which is understandable.
We still don't know if Red is Ilya or if Red is Red.
I can't imagine that the real Reddington survived the fire, but it's quite possible he did.
Related: The Blacklist Season 6 Episode 19 Review: Rassvet
His comment on The Blacklist Season 6 Episode 19 about being Popeye the sailor man is odd, but he could have just been playing games.
Red needs to sort out a lot of issues and while he might not forget or forgive Liz, it's evident he still loves her.
Liz is trying hard to fix her relationship with Red and is looking to him to provide guidance on how to protect Agnes.
Yes, folks, she's bringing Agnes home.
I don't know exactly how she's going to fit that little girl into her life, and I hope it won't become a distraction for anyone, but I do see trouble on the horizon for her.
It's possible she'll be involved in the finale somehow, maybe getting kidnapped by Anna McMahon or somehow being one of the special children involved in tonight's case.
Red's only focus was finding out Anna McMahon's conspiracy plans, and he did a great job helping Liz and the Task Force save all those children.
It's going to be interesting to see how climate change fits into Anna's plans.
Is she planning to eradicate the human race to fill the world with Corrinne clones and save the planet from self destruction?
The code's like a suit and a hat. You feel good wearing it, look good, too. A million bucks. But, and I gotta say it, deep down you know this, it's like lipstick on a pig. It can cover a lot of sins, but at the end of the day, it's still dreadful.
It's a weird conspiracy plot, if that's the way it goes, but between this and the bug guy, it seems that climate change does appear to be the focus.
Anna McMahon was shaking in her boots that Red was one step ahead of her.
She knows that Red is relentless, and if she can't get ahead of him, the whole conspiracy will be destroyed.
She has many people to answer to, and we still don't know everyone who is involved, but she can't let Red win.
However, we all know Red will win, somehow, some way. It's what he does.
This is why I think Agnes will somehow be involved in the showdown.
Anna needs leverage and the best way to do that would be through his granddaughter.
Red did alright for himself despite Dembe's absence.
Teddy thought Red fired Dembe, but Red wasn't about to get into details.
He only let Teddy know it wasn't true.
There was a lot of talk about codes.
Red lives by codes because it has served him well, saved his life, and allows him to be who he is -- whoever that might be.
But others, including Teddy, think that maybe Red's codes are outdated.
Red has a lot to think about how he wants to proceed with Liz, and it won't be easy.
I loved Teddy having his son perform the bee torture on Cotton.
Even funnier was when his son didn't get the job done and his obvious disappointment in it.
I would love to see how Teddy trains in all forms of torture.
Genital bee torture is pretty brutal.
Does he just grab people on the street to experiment on?
And how did he get into that business anyway?
And how does Red know him?
It wasn't surprising that Liz shared everything she knew about Red with Ressler.
Ressler kept pursuing even after Liz told him to stop, and she appreciated that.
But Red might not.
If Red wants to keep his secrets secret then Liz telling Ressler anything was probably a bad idea.
Red likes Ressler but not enough to spare his life if he feels threatened, no matter what may develop between Ressler and Liz.
Whatever happens is going to be quite interesting.
Over to you?
What do you think happened to Dembe and Dom?
Is bringing Agnes home a good idea?
What are Anna's conspiracy plans?
Hit the comments and share your thoughts!
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