Is there anything Adam won't do?
Who won't he manipulate?
By now, we should expect the worst from Adam.
After all, he pushed his own mother into a blazing fire and ordered the doctors to reconstruct her face to resemble Fallon's.
But all those things seem minuscule compared to the stunts he pulled on Dynasty Season 2 Episode 19.
Adam is a real threat to everyone in the family -- he'll do anything to destroy them.
For now, the only person that's been spared from his psychopathic wrath is Blake, though I'm sure that'll change the moment they no longer see eye-to-eye.
I mean, I should've known better. Kissing in public? It's almost as bad as leaking your own sex tape.
My biggest qualm with the series is that no one is sharing their creepy Adam experiences with each other allowing him to get away with everything he's done.
Imagine if everyone who has been a target told each other how Adam manipulated them.
They could get him kicked out of the house in no time.
Alexis kickstarted it by telling Fallon that her brother was a real danger, which I thought was evident the moment he shoved her face into the fire.
Why did she leave that part out when telling Fallon about her facial surgery? Why did she try to rationalize Adam's actions?
Alexis' admissions only added on to Adam's creepy factor.
Fallon also found out that Adam was responsible for leaking the photo of her and Liam kissing at the masquerade ball to TMZ.
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In addition, she also realized he was hooking up with Liam's mother.
Gross, right?
I was perplexed watching that scene.
I probably should have seen it coming, but I didn't.
Laura Ridley: I read your book. My dear friend, the Pulitzer-Prize-winning critic, Michiko Kakutani, she slipped me her advanced copy. And I must say I'm offended. Not only by your subpar writing but by your slanderous portrayal of me. So I have filed a lawsuit.
Liam: It's fiction, Mom.
Laura Ridley: The book will never see the light of day, and I will tie up your little vagina power company with so many lawsuits that you will never sign another author again.
Fallon: Are you really that sad?
Laura Ridley: What's sad is this little folly. So I will give you a choice. I will give up the lawsuit if you give up my son.
Fallon is skilled at enacting revenge, but Alexis is right, she's going to need to play this one very carefully.
It seems she's taking the "keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer" approach, which is smart, but also dangerous.
I'm interested in seeing this play out, but I'm hoping it ends with Fallon sending Adam with his bags packed.
I know the character is meant to be hated but man, I cannot stand him.
His antics aren't entertaining because they are completely unnecessary and poorly executed.
They could have done so much with Laura and Adam's relationship but instead, she blew out of town faster than she flew in.
And while I wasn't interested in seeing Liam and Fallon's relationship crumble just as it was starting to be revived, Laura could have been used to stir up some lasting damage.
She didn't need to sleep with Adam to try to break up Fallon and Liam nor did her storyline need to be resolved by the end of the episode.
And what's with Adam's weird obsession with Fallon? "You kiss so beautifully," how weird was that?
And you look fantastic, for someone who just face-planted into a fireplace.
Seeing Adam's manipulative ways in action, are we really supposed to believe that he couldn't think of a better lie than Laura faking cancer?
Immediately after she said it, I knew Fallon would somehow trick her into a blood test simply to prove she was lying.
All the mother vs. Fallon storyline really proved is that Fallon is just as big of a monster as Liam's mother.
Fallon may have a bigger heart, but she didn't act like the bigger person here despite having the opportunity to take the high road.
Seeing the two of them bicker back-and-forth on that stage and ruining Liam's big book launch was pathetic on both their parts.
If I was Liam, I'd be done with them both.
It's frustrating that things can never be easy for Fallon and Liam. It's always an uphill battle.
I love how he balances out Fallon -- he's tame and rational while Fallon is ready to strike at any moment. They work well together so hopefully, she doesn't repeat these mistakes.
Then, of course, we have to address Liam's naivety.
I couldn't believe that he dedicated his whole book to his mother, a woman who just hours ago tried to bury his book with lawsuits.
Men are naturally momma's boys, there's no doubt about that, but Liam knows his mother and what she's capable of.
You can drop the big C act. I know it's fake.
- Permalink: You can drop the big C act. I know it's fake.
- Added:
How could he just take what her illness admission at face value without asking for proof?
Fallon wasn't wrong when she said the timing was convenient.
And we could all see through Laura's motives; from the get-go, the only thing she wanted was to separate her son from his girlfriend.
The fact that Liam sided with his mother immediately and didn't even consider that Fallon could have been onto something suggests that he still doesn't fully trust Fallon.
There where two incredibly satisfying team-ups on Dynasty Season 2 Episode 19.
One was Sherlock Holmes and Watson, the other was Bonnie and Clyde.
Though Blake and Cristal's bribery was considered political corruption, it was fun to watch them work together towards a common goal.
So many of Blake's relationships, both romantic and platonic, have been about him butting heads with those around him.
It's not like that with Cristal. With Cristal they've found their groove; they work together and they do it well.
Laura Ridley: Why aren't you using this to make Liam resent me more?
Fallon: Because I know what it's like to hate your mother, and I don't want that for Liam. But hey, one silver lining: at least you're cancer-free.
- Permalink: at least you're cancer-free.
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My only concern is that Cristal has always vehemently disapproved of her family's lifestyle yet, all of a sudden, she's down to bring gambling to Atlanta and her Atlantix team.
Isn't purposefully throwing games to turn a profit the whole reason why she distanced herself from the family "dynasty" in the first place?
And what made her change her mind that going into business with her father, a dirty businessman, was a good idea?
I cannot wait for Culhane to knock Blake's ego down a few notches.
It's about time Culhane took his power back.
He's been walked all over for too long even by Colby who is supposed to be his "friend."
Though much like Fallon, the FBI is in way over her heads and should proceed with caution.
Culhane has given them a ton of paperwork about Blake in exchange for immunity, but we know money goes a long way -- Blake can buy off plenty of people who will turn a blind eye when necessary.
Related: Dynasty Season 2 Episode 18 Review: Life is a Masquerade Party
And if Adam even gets a whiff that someone is out to destroy his little empire with daddy dearest, he'll come for them the way he did for poor Colby.
Colby was being flat out poisoned in his office and didn't even realize it.
The storyline bothered me because it wasn't realistic at all.
I doubt Colby would ever be ignorant enough to do all his research on Blake at the company with the door wide open.
Wouldn't he be more discreet?
And if Adam did take a look at all of his findings, wouldn't he know exactly what Culhane and Colby found to bring them down?
The other best team-up of the night went to Sammy and Anders despite Sammy having absolutely no purpose on the series anymore.
Things might change when Fallon somehow unearths that Adam was responsible for locking up Steven in a looney bin but until then, he just exists to take selfies and entertain us with one-liners that occasionally rival Fallon's.
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Sure, they were helpful in unmasking Adam as Fallon's photo leaker/mommy lover but we could have figured that out without their help.
Plus, wouldn't they be able to find out a lot more after tapping into Adam's computer?
Other Carrington Manor Thoughts
- Why were readers so furious about Fallon lying about her relationship with Liam? Wouldn't they expect that from a previously married couple who was now working together on a book? And doesn't a divorced couple finding love again inspire hope?
- Alexis is heave-hoing out of town to fix her face. Does this mean the backlash from fans forced the writers to re-cast Alexis' role?
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