That was one crazy day in Chucalissa!
The Mayoral election and the grand reopening of The Pynk were in the spotlight on P-Valley Season 2 Episode 9.
The mayoral race certainly got spiced up thanks to Autumn's unrevealed brainstorm on P-Valley Season 2 Episode 8.
Autumn found work for four of her laid-off strippers, who showed off their dance moves in Andre's campaign ads.
As popular as The Pynk is in Chucalissa, those ads gave him a bump in the polls.Not to be outdone, Patrice performed her pole dance on the back of a truck driving down the main drag. Then she used money guns to shoot away the bribe that Corbin had given her. That woman is shameless.
As the newscaster notes, "Things are getting dirty down in the valley."
It wasn't at all surprising that the results weren't available by night's end. It was an election amid a pandemic in a town where vote counting is likely to be slow under the best of conditions.
Patrice can't possibly win unless it's a protest vote. So the casino probably will be a go regardless of whether Andre or Wayne wins.
But Autumn is likely to get a better price for The Pynk should Andre win. Wayne likely would try to seize it by eminent domain for pennies on the dollar.
Another certainty will be that whoever loses will question whether there was fraudulent voting. Sadly, accepting losing with grace doesn't happen anymore in politics.
Autumn had plenty else going on besides her illicit lover's mayoral run, even though her fortunes depended on the right candidate winning.
Despite everything else she has going on, Autumn still has conspired with Keyshawn to arrange for her escape from Chucalissa after her final performance at The Pynk.
Keyshawn was holding up well this time. She finally was ready to leave behind the abusive Derrick.
Chatting with Keyshawn, Autumn sounded like she was ready to leave Chucalissa after the election, which would impact how much available traveling money she has.
After Keyshawn left, Autumn rushed to the restroom and vomited. Might there be a pregnancy that will change her plans?
Something else which may affect Autumn's plans is Andre's estranged wife waiting at his home when the amorous couple showed up. Unless Brittany was there to ask for a divorce, Andre is going to have to make a choice.
Another couple that found themselves at a crossroads was Uncle Clifford and Lil Murda.
Murda had a secret -- that he murdered Pico on P-Valley Season 2 Episode 8 -- and he was having trouble processing that.
Uncle Clifford lives her life out in the open, and she hates secrets. That's why she encouraged Murda to return on tour as long as he added security. Feeling full of himself, Murda thought he could handle anything that came his way.
Things got messy on the way to The Pynk's re-re-re-reopening (how many re's did Clifford throw in?).
First, Uncle Clifford fired Joy because she blamed her for giving Ernestine Covid.
It's hard to fault Clifford for doing that. After all, Joy has allergies but refuses to wear a mask as required. It was her sneezing on health inspector Lauren that got The Pynk closed down in the first place.
Give credit to Roulette for helping out Joy, even if she only added Joy to her growing stable of prostitutes.
Then, no matter how much Mercedes wanted to perform, her injured shoulder couldn't handle the stand she needed to hold.
She stormed off with Clifford in pursuit. In the talk between the two longtime friends, both admitted that they might need to find something different to do with their futures.
Farrah's call came at just the right time. Mercedes was enthralled by Farrah's photos of her on the pole. At least she knew that her abilities had been captured artistically for posterity. That's likely what allowed her to return to watch some of the reopening as a spectator.
That was when she recognized that she was watching Miss Mississippi's last flight, as Keyshawn left everything she had on the pole. Mercedes also figured out why Keyshawn had chosen that night for her return to The Pynk.
The reopening had been running smoothly for Uncle Clifford. He managed to get Lauren to increase capacity from 50 to 75 percent in exchange for free admission and Big L, who wasn't pleased with that deal.
Then Murda invited all his followers to The Pynk. He arrived himself accompanied by rapper Tina Snow (typecasting for Megan Thee Freakin' Stallion). Tina rapped the headliner's set featuring Keyshawn, Whisper, and Roulette, with Murda joining in later.
But, based on Murda's lyrics, a rumor started around that he had killed Pico. A brawl broke out, spilling onto the stage, with poor little Keyshawn curled into a ball on the floor amid it.
From that chaos, several plotlines developed with which next week's season finale will have to deal.
Diamond rescued Keyshawn, and they kissed, which Big Bone saw. Clifford and Murda argued, and Clifford kicked a box, discovering Big L's oxy stash. When she confronted Big L, he quit.
That's a lot of loose threads to be tied up in the finale, especially since P-Valley hasn't yet been renewed.
To follow the Chucalissa mayoral campaign, watch P-Valley online.
Who will be mayor?
Which couples come out of the finale intact?
Will Keyshawn manage to escape Derrick?
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