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The Cleaning Lady Season 3 Episode 1 Review: Arman

Anything that can go wrong will go wrong if you're Thony De La Rosa.

The good thing about Thony is that she's never met a disaster she couldn't handle, but that doesn't mean these disasters aren't debilitating events that are slowly costing her everything she holds closest to her heart.

The Cleaning Lady Season 3 Episode 1 saw Thony hitting hurdle after hurdle in her quest to bring Fiona home, leaving her in a very tenuous place as she found herself alone.

Even though Thony has often been in some dicey situations, some of her own doing and some by happenstance, she's always had someone there to help her. Whether Arman or Garrett, Thony rarely was without someone in her corner.

But that's not the current reality Thony found herself in with Garrett gone and Arman missing after an unexpected shoot-out left him in the wind.

There's a somber tone over the beginning of this season, and it's incredibly gut-wrenching to know The Cleaning Lady has entered into its new era post-Adan Canto's Arman Morales.

Coming out of The Cleaning Lady Season 2 Episode 12, Thony and Arman were working together to bring Fiona home, and with not much of a time jump, that was still very much the plan.

But things went downhill very swiftly when someone seemingly set Arman and Thony up, as their drugs got seized and the cops descended upon the hangar.

It was a little surreal to watch the whole scene play out. And you kind of felt like Thony and Nadia in that moment, watching the scene unfold from the outskirts, wondering what Arman's fate would be.

There was a lot of gunfire, and Thony and Nadia weren't in a position to defend themselves, so leaving was the best thing they could do to survive. However, it was a decision both women grappled with in the aftermath, knowing that they essentially left him in a way he would never leave them.

Nadia's anger toward Thony was many years in the making. Not to be dramatic, but in some ways, the trajectory of her life changed when Arman met Thony.

Is it fair for her to blame everything on Thony? No. But does she have valid reasons to feel like Thony has directly and indirectly taken a sledgehammer to her life in various ways? Yes.

Arman seemingly escaping the hangar but leaving no tangible trace behind regarding his whereabouts sets up a central mystery to begin the season and allows further exploration of the Arman character, even if we sadly don't see him on screen moving forward.

There was a clear struggle for both ladies in coming to terms with how they left Arman, but once Thony sets her sight on something, there's very little stopping her. And she was determined to get Arman back and bring Fiona home, though those two objectives don't necessarily overlap at this point.

Much has been made about the Thony/Arman/Nadia love triangle, and it was never fully resolved in the sense that Arman never made a choice, though the romance between himself and both women was heavily scaled back during The Cleaning Lady Season 2.

There wasn't much time for moonlight dances and declarations of love with the kind of pressure they all faced with Kamdar running around Sin City.

But both Nadia and Thony have deep feelings for Arman, as evidenced by the way they put aside their differences and fought through their pain to team up and look for him.

Thony has often used Arman when it suits her, not always caring about his feelings or even his well-being. If it involved protecting her family, she would always sacrifice Arman for whatever she felt was the greater good.

But to say she didn't care about him would be incredibly false, and you could see it in the way she spoke about him and fully recognized that she and her son wouldn't be living, breathing people if it weren't for Arman.

Even though we've learned a lot about Arman thus far, there's still a lot both we and the women don't know about him. Arman had his secrets, and as he wasn't there to speak for himself, those secrets started to seep out.

Arman's parents were nothing like I expected, if only because they had such different temperaments and feelings toward their estranged son.

While Eduardo was cold and unfeeling, even when faced with his son's disappearance, Teresa was loving and concerned, though she still yielded to most of her husband's requests.

Thony: I think you don't know your son.
Theresa: Please. Tell us about our boy.
Thony: I owe him everything. He saved my son when he was sick. He never gave up on him. So you might not understand his choices, but he's a good man.

It's hard to believe that over the past 23 years, Teresa never defied her husband to check in on Arman. It was apparent their estrangement caused her a great deal of grief, and when the opportunity presented itself to do something to help him, she took it.

Arman's family connection to smugglers shaded in Eduardo's anger toward Arman. If he wanted no part of that side of the family, Arman's decision to get into the criminal world would have sat very poorly with him.

The visit to the Morales parents didn't help much on the surface, but that necklace Thony took from Natalia wound up saving her life.

With Kamdar gone, a villain hole needed to be filled, and Jorge made quite the case for it.

I've lost count of how many times Thony has been tied up or just generally feared for her life, but there was something different about how things transpired here, with Jorge a much more menacing figure than even I anticipated.

Jorge: How do you know Arman Morales?
Thony: I clean for him.
Jorge: Stop! Lying!

Three seasons in, Thony's claim to just be the cleaning lady no longer works like it once did. She was outside a smuggler's place with a cartel necklace, and she expected anyone to believe she was completely unaware of what was happening around her.

Ramona and Jorge Sanchez dropped the biggest bomb of the hour when they revealed themselves as Arman's aunt and uncle, Eduardo's siblings. That means Arman's been existing out there, not even realizing the power players his family were.

Dropping Ramona and Jorge in the final minutes was a clever play and left enough intrigue to whet the appetite moving forward.

Jorge was the one firing off guns and yelling, but it was obvious that Ramona held the real power.

There's A LOT we're missing here, and I'm not sure their outward declaration of wanting to help Thony find Arman won't come with inevitable strings attached.

They want to protect Arman because he's their nephew, but who's to say they don't already know where Arman is? Or know who took them?

There's something off about this whole thing, and as we know with this series, things rarely play out as you expect them to. And nothing ever goes smoothly where Thony is concerned.

Case in point: everything that happened to Fiona.

Fiona didn't deserve to get deported. She knows it. Thony knows it. Chris, Jaz, and JD know it.

Thony loses all sense regarding Luca, and many others have had to pay the price.

Fiona is a much better person than most of us because she gives Thony a lot of leeway and perhaps too much grace. Fiona is an adult who made a choice, but Thony also put her in such a difficult situation.

And she's been putting her in difficult situations for a while now.

Having her home ransacked and being threatened because of Thony was just another thing to add to the list, honestly. While she wanted out of the Philippines for obvious reasons, she did at least appear to be safe there until Thony's mistakes again caught up to her.

Fiona is one of my favorite characters on the show, so seeing more of her and even getting a taste of her past were delightful surprises during this hour. As was meeting Paolo.

Paolo took the news about being Chris's father exceptionally well. Finding out you have a whole teenage son out in the world would understandably stir up many complicated emotions, but Paolo took it in stride and was willing to help Fiona.

Chris finding his way to the Philippines was a little fantastical, but it made a lot of sense for Chris's trajectory. Both Jaz and Chris are fiercely loyal to their mother, and Chris hated that he was stuck somewhere he couldn't protect her.

He was also sick of being around Thony and left in the dark. At least if he was with Fiona, they could figure out what came next together.

I worry about how they'll both get back now, and to be honest, who's to say they'll want to once they spend time with Paolo, which you know is coming.

If Jaz wasn't still in the States, I could almost see Fiona starting over with Paolo and Chris if he turns out to be worth it. It's too soon to know if he will be, but he was charming enough in our limited time spent with him.

It'll be interesting to see where things go with Operation Bring Fiona (and Chris) from here, but we'll certainly be seated for the show.

Extra Clean Notes

  • Thony being extra surprised that CPS was still on her, considering everything that happened with Luca was another instance of her ability to be entirely out of touch.
  • Russo made many valid points when talking to Nadia about her penchant for defending Arman when he continuously left her in the dark. The things we do for love.
  • I love that so much of this season will be about Arman, as he's an integral part of the story. Arman Morales will forever be embedded in its DNA for however long this series lasts.
  • The tribute card for Adan Canto was beautiful. He is so very missed.

There's a lot to get excited about where The Cleaning Lady Season 3 is concerned, and this opening hour was seemingly just the tip of the iceberg.

Let me know in the comments what you thought about the premiere and where you feel some of these various storylines may head this season! 

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