It’s a tricky thing to feel like you don’t hold any power.
Whether at work, in a romantic relationship, or smack dab in the middle of the most stressful moment of your life, you never want to feel like you’re not in complete control. But unfortunately, there are moments where the power seems to be just slightly out of your grasp.
But if 9-1-1 Season 3 Episode 17 showed us anything, it’s that power comes in many shapes and forms. And reclaiming your power is the bravest thing you can do.
Athena was continuing her pursuit of the real estate agent who was using drones to stalk and rape unsuspecting women all over Los Angeles county. She was putting a lot of time and effort into this case partly because she felt like she was the one who let him get away.
Of course, that’s not true, but Athena will always take cases to heart, and she will always look to finish what she’s started. It’s what makes her such an amazing police officer.
Bringing the victims in to talk about their experiences was such a raw moment during the hour.
These women have been forever changed by what’s happened to them, but they were able to sit across from strangers and tell their stories as a means to help bring this awful human being to justice.
It’s painfully hard to relive that kind of trauma, but they were incredibly brave to do so.
Athena’s confrontation with the madman was just about as painful as it gets. She was ambushed, and she never had a proper foot in the fight. Couple that with the fact that her cries were being broadcast across for all the first responders to hear, and you have one of the most stressful and sad moments in this shows history.
I don’t think I blinked during this scene. I didn’t want to miss a sound or a look, even though I wanted nothing more than to stop hearing Athena’s pain.
Bobby was his usual steely self, but you could tell that underneath it all he was petrified. Bobby’s eyes are where his emotions lie, and his eyes were telling you that he was barely hanging on.
Athena was banged up but she was lucky to make it out alive. She found the strength and the power within herself to do what she set out to do from the beginning; bring that criminal to justice.
May: Mom, I want you in my prom pictures.
Athena: Awww. Look at me, May.
May: I see you, and I couldn't be more proud. You got him. You won. Those bruises show what kind of fighter you really are, and I want pictures to remember this moment.
May’s speech to Athena at the hospital was a beautiful moment to remind Athena that her physical wounds were nothing to be ashamed of. Athena is a hero and will forever be one.
While this was by far the most nerve-racking storyline of the hour, there were some good rescues thrown in, including the hot air balloon and the man trapped in the freezer.
9-1-1 does a great job of crafting rescues around the theme they’re looking to convey during the episode.
The little girl in the hot air balloon was scared and alone, and she was naturally freaking out, but she found the strength to take control of the situation.
And while it was a bit on the nose, the 118 literally found their own way to generate the power to get that freezer door open.
But hey, whatever works!
It’s been a little while since we got a Michael update, and he was noticeably agitated and worried about his latest scan.
We didn’t get any results this hour, but we got (hopefully) the start of something new for Michael.
He and the doctor with no name (seriously, did anyone catch his name?) were ridiculously cute in the elevator. And they had great chemistry to boot.
I know this season has felt like at times it was preparing us for heartbreak when it came to Michael, here’s hoping the scans show some positivity and we can find Michael some love!
The Karen-thinks-Hen-is-cheating subplot wasn’t all that interesting, but it did give us two things. An incredible drunk Chimney, and the realization of a fleeting thought I had after 9-1-1 Season 3 Episode 16.
Hen would make such a great doctor. She already has a leg up on the knowledge, and she has an incredible bedside manner. Hen’s entire presence is calming, which is precisely what you want in a doctor.
Chimney: What am I looking at here?
Karen: Proof that Hen's cheating on me
Chimney: What?! Hen would never do that! I mean not after what happened the last time she did that.
Understandably, Chimney would be pretty bummed out to be potentially without Hen in his everyday life.
I love the little reminders of how close these people are to one another. Everyone was feeling the pain right along with Bobby as they raced to find Athena.
The 118 as a whole is such a wholesome, wonderful team. And they are truly powerful together.
Loose Ends
- It’s a silly thing to fret over, but does Eddie not know about Abby? He and Buck are the two best friends that anyone could have, and Buck never told him about the woman who broke his heart? He only talked about it the entire 9-1-1 Season 2.
- Josh deciding to testify against Greg was such a full-circle moment from him. And he and Maddie’s friendship is quietly becoming one of the better ones on the show.
- This show really loves a power outage, huh?
Abby is back for the finale, and it’s most definitely going to throw Buck for a loop!
Please flood the comments with all your hopes for the finale, and what’d you like to see happen.
Are you excited for Abby’s return?
What’s next for Athena?
Do you think Hen should seriously consider leaving the 118 for medical school?
Let me know what you think, and of course, make sure to watch 9-1-1 online before the finale!
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